Do you have a good imagination? Yes? Then try imagining this. Imagine a day, a quiet, peaceful, normal day, just like any other day. Suddenly a loud deafening sound is heard by everyone across the planet; as if a huge trumpet has been blown! The earth begins to rattle and shake fiercely and all things living find themselves dead. Then there is complete silence. Not a word. Not even a whisper.
BOOM! Another loud sound is then heard and slowly people begin to rise from their graves. When we look towards the sky we find it red and torn apart. Stars come crashing down and the sun is not where it used to be. When we look towards the earth, we see mountains floating about as if they are weightless; seas turning violent, gushing forth and overflowing. Wild animals that were once predator and prey, on that day are herding together in groups; while human beings are running away from one another. A father running away from his son, a husband from his wife, a brother from his brother and a mother leaves her infant behind. Can you imagine what would cause people to behave this way? What would be scaring people so much? Their hearts would be beating out of their chests and their eyes lowered in fear and humiliation. Everyone will only be worried about themselves and themselves alone.
Today, right this very minute, people are stressed about their jobs or businesses, some are worried about homework or school exams, some are planning weddings and yet others are planning vacations to their favourite holiday spots. But on that day, all these thoughts and worries will disappear and the only thought that will be on the minds of everyone will be the question: What will become of me? Will I be sent to live forever in paradise or will my final resting place be the fires of hell?
[an-Naziat 79:37-41]
Very clearly, people will remember each and every thing that they did in their lives; whether it was good or bad, big or small. They will remember all the times when they obeyed Allaah and those times when they did not. Many will feel great regret that day, thinking, I wish I had done more to please my Lord. I wish I had not been in the company of those who took me away from the path of Allaah. I wish… I wish… I wish…
As strange as it may sound, this is not fantasy. This is not a fairytale or a horror story. This is a day that is sure to come. A day that has already been planned. A day that is without a doubt, a reality. No one can escape it. No one can ask for timeout. No one can be absent on that day. A day witnessed by all.
The question for us to think about is: what have we prepared for that day? Allaah asks us in the Qur’an:
“O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, the Most Generous?”
[al-Infitar 82:6]
This is Allaah’s beautiful way of asking us why we have become so obsessed with this worldly life and have forgotten all about Him. Isn’t it time now that we turn our attention towards our Lord and Master? The One who created us and gave us everything that we have in this world? Wouldn’t it be better to live our lives according to what He has commanded us to do rather than to do whatever it is that we ourselves desire?
Those from among us who choose to become good Muslims and remain obedient to Allaah; surely Allaah will give them peace in this life and a huge reward in the next. A reward so grand that it can not even be imagined, no matter how hard we try! And finally, on the day when all others would be scared and worried, the true believers would be smiling happily, under the complete protection and mercy of Allaah, the Most High!
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