Translated by Shawana A. Aziz
Published by Quran Sunnah Educational Programs -www.qsep.com
Main Heading: From Whom should I take Fiqh of the Deen?
Sub-Title 14: The praiseworthy differences and the blameworthy differences?
Question: O Shaikh, please explain the praiseworthy differences and the blameworthy differences?
Reply by Shaikh Saleh ibn Fawzan al-Fawzaan (p. 877):
Differences are not praiseworthy but there are
- differences which are excused and
- differences which are inexcusable.
Differences in Furu'ee (i.e., issues not related to Aqeedah) issues of Ijtihaad like deducing rulings from the proofs… One says, 'The proofs point towards this', and the other says, 'The proof proves that.'
So, each of them talks according to what appears (correct) to him, and what his Ijtihad concludes.
The Messenger of Allah (once) told the Sahabah, "None of you should pray except in Bani Quraydah."
The Sahabah left but the time of Asr Salaat arrived while they were on their way. And a group said,
"The Prophet meant that we should not pray except after reaching Bani Quraydah —even if the Salaat is to be delayed."
So, they delayed their Salaat until they reached their destination.
Another group said,
"The Prophet meant to exhort us to hasten in departure. He did not mean delaying the prayers." (So, they prayed Asr Salaat on the way).
And when they (informed the Prophet about their disagreement and how each group acted differently and) asked the Prophet, he (salallahu alaihi wasallam) did not criticize either of them because each of them made Ijtihad, and had a point of view in understanding (the daleel or the statement of the Prophet).
There is no blame on this form of Ijtihad because it is based upon deduction from the Daleel.
Similarly, the story of the two men who ran out of water and prayed with Tayammum, then they found water before the time of the prayer expired. So, one of them performed wudhu, and repeated his Salaat while the other did not repeat the Salaat.
So, the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said to the one who performed wudhu and repeated the Salaat, "You have two rewards." And he said to the other, "You Salaat is accepted from you." [See, Abu Dawood] So, he (salallahu alaihi wasallam) did not criticize either of them for the Ijtihad. [see, Abu Dawood. The narration of Abu Saeed]
As for the blameworthy difference, it is the difference in Aqeedah.
Aqeedah has no scope for differences, and Manhaj has no scope for difference - because Allah has ordered us to return back to the Book and Sunnah of the Prophet, and what the Salaf were upon. Allah Messenger (salallahu alaihi wasallam) said,
"The Jews split into 71 sects, the Christians split into 72 sects, and you will split into 73 sects —all of them in the fire except one." They asked, "Which sect is that, O Allah's Messenger?"
He (salallahu alaihi wasallam) replied, "(Those who follow) that which I and my companions follow." [(hasan) Saheeh at-Tirmidhee]
So, the 72 sects are not excused except the one which adhered to the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) because difference in Aqeedah and Manhaj are not excused.
Verily, the exception is for issues of Furoo (i.e., issues not in Aqeedah) which are deduced from the texts if there is a need for Ijtihad from the text. As for, if Ijtihad is not required, then it is not permissible.
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